The First Generation
Date Owner Player Action
10.08.2021 21:42 rpg2_.CatGeo rpg2_.CatGeo Left the clan
07.08.2021 14:12 [TFG]Maxximusss rpg2_Krome Got rank 5
07.08.2021 13:24 [TFG]Maxximusss DR$ Got rank 5
07.08.2021 13:23 [TFG]Maxximusss DR$ Joined the clan
05.08.2021 23:07 21Dahness 21Dahness Left the clan
05.08.2021 12:26 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul rpg2_.Hitler Got rank 2
04.08.2021 19:38 AdmBot QQQ777 Left the clan
04.08.2021 11:51 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul .DuDu Got rank 2
03.08.2021 17:18 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]Timi. Joined the clan
03.08.2021 00:30 [TFG]Maxximusss rpg2_Davidelo Got rank 2
03.08.2021 00:29 [TFG]Maxximusss AdebayorJR Joined the clan
03.08.2021 00:12 [TFG]Maxximusss [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Promoted to clan owner
02.08.2021 23:18 Marius_Glodeanu Marius_Glodeanu Left the clan
02.08.2021 15:13 [TFG]Maxximusss rpg2_Weezie Got rank 4
02.08.2021 15:13 [TFG]Maxximusss QQQ777 Got rank 4